Clarendon Hills Lions Club
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Clarendon Hills Lions Club
Serving our community since 1950,
we volunteer our time and talent to serve others globally and locally
so that they may have a higher level of dignity in their lives.
The 50 plus Lions in our club are your neighbors, co-workers and friends. Our members represent many different careers and participate in many other organizations including various civic and faith based organizations. As Lions we come together to work and serve with over 1.3 million Lions members worldwide to help answer specific needs that challenge our community.
Locally we enable the disadvantaged to see more clearly with a pair of glasses or a blind child to read with specialized equipment. We obtain large print books for the library and we raise funds to tackle tough problems like drug abuse prevention, river blindness and diabetes awareness. With Lions International we funded the implementation of the successful Lions Quest program in our local K-12 schools. Lions Quest is a program of character education, civic values and service-learning education.
Serving as a member of the Clarendon Hills Lions Club takes time and sometimes involves hard work, harsh conditions and sweat. We do our work and serve so that others may have a higher level of dignity in their lives.
Examples of how we serve:
we purchased a refrigerated food delivery truck for People's Resource Center in Westmont
we provide specialized braille equipment for visual and hearing impaired grade school students.
through our international contributions, we are helping to eliminate river blindness (onchocerciasis) throughout the world.
we fund large print media for our local library.
we maintain a long standing program of buying trees for village reforestation.
we provide college scholarships for students with special needs.
we sponsor and guide school groups who are interested in creating their own mission of community service.
last year we donated over $30,000 to 24 charities.
Take a look at our web site to see the many ways we serve